Board Of Trustees

2022 – 2025

Staff Rep
Russell Matthews
Michael Malins
Ashley Quensell
Melanie Sorby
Harshad Tendulkar
Carol McDonald

What is governance, and what do board members do?

Board members are elected to act on behalf of the school community, ensuring continuous improvement in student progress and achievement.

Board work is primarily about the governance of the school. Governance involves setting strategic direction through our vision, core values, and strategic goals. The core work of the board includes setting targets and tracking student progress, as well as the regular review of curriculum areas.

The board monitors the school’s financial expenditure and sets a yearly budget. We also establish long-term property plans and prioritize property projects with allocated funds.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring the school complies with all legal directives made by the government and the Ministry of Education. This is achieved by having robust policies and procedures in place.

There is a clearly documented line between board work and management work. Boards of trustees govern (oversee management), and principals manage the school. It is not the role of the Board of Trustees to be involved in the day-to-day operations of the school; this is the responsibility of the principal and the school staff.

The board is proactive rather than reactive in its operations and decision-making. To achieve this, the board needs to be focused on the future, considering both where the school is going and where it has been to inform decisions for the future.

ERO Review

Blockhouse Bay Intermediate 2023

Declaration of Results

Declaration Of Results Blockhouse Bay Intermediate 2022