
Uniform Guidelines

  • The school uniform is seen by the school, Board of Trustees and community as the major form of identity and belonging to Blockhouse Bay Intermediate. 
  • The development of pride in belonging to the school is fostered through the wearing of the school uniform.
  • When enrolled at BBI you have acknowledged and agreed to our uniform policies and procedures. 
  • The school uniform and PE uniform are compulsory.
  • Correct school uniform should be worn to and from school.
  • Correct school uniform or PE uniform should be worn at school.
  • The PE uniform must be worn for fitness, PE, sport & dance & drama.
  • If you don’t have a uniform item, your teacher can give you a ‘uniform pass’ until you are able to get the uniform item.
  • All items of uniform should be named.
  • In the event that uniform is lost go to lost property: this is in between the Food & Nutrition room and the Science room. It is open during school time.
  • Keep your uniform clean and tidy!