Gifted/Talented Programmes

Our Gifted/Talented programmes commence in Term 2 each year; they are integral parts of the curriculum offered at Blockhouse Bay Intermediate.

All of our students engage in our ‘core’ curriculum programmes provided in classrooms and Technology/Arts classes. Subsequently, we aim to enable students to pursue their passions or explore new interests through our Gifted/Talented programmes, designed to help all students realise their full potential.

Our Gifted/Talented programme runs during Block 4 throughout the week. GnT Maths is on Day 2 of our seven-day timetable. GnT Art and Drama meet together on Days 4-6 of our seven-day timetable. Each programme offers unique dynamics and elements, and we believe all children will benefit greatly from the wide variety available.

Students are encouraged to participate in various specialised groups offered at Blockhouse Bay Intermediate, including:

– School Production/Variety Show
– Gifted & Talented Art Programmes
– Glee Choir
– Ukulele Group
– Concert Band/Orchestra

Throughout the year, regular performances such as end-of-term performance evenings, end-of-term Star Awards, school assemblies, as well as events in the community, provide opportunities for students to showcase their efforts and progress.